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Do Heartburn Medications Cause Kidney Disease? Dementia? New research shows that people who take popular heartburn medications are more likely to develop dementia as well as serious kidney disease. These include Prilosec, Nexium Prevacid, Kapidex, Aciphex and Protonix, which are all a type of drugs called Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI).
Can Daily Aspirin Prevent Both Heart Disease and Cancer? Daily low-dose aspirin used to be widely recommended to prevent heart attacks but is now only recommended for patients who already have had heart attacks or other serious cardiovascular problems. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure because it can cause serious bleeding complications that outweigh any benefits for heart disease or cancer. That’s why experts recommend safer options to help prevent heart disease in low-risk patients.
Statement of Dr. Diana Zuckerman, President, National Center for Health Research, May 8, 2023 Today the FDA announced that 19 women were reported in medical publications who developed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the capsule around breast implants. This is more than the 10 women that FDA reported in September. Several of the women died.  It is important to know that 24 cases of SCC have … Continue reading Statement of Dr. Diana Zuckerman, President, National Center for Health Research,
Testimony of Dr. Diana Zuckerman About PEPAXTO FDA Advisory Committee Meeting on September 22, 2022 We testified before the FDA Advisory Committee that Pepaxto should no longer be approved for multiple myeloma because new research shows that patients taking it died 5 months sooner than patients taking a different treatment.
Why Are Celebrities Removing Their Breast Implants? Most of these women aren’t just talking about body image; they are getting their implants removed because of their health. Breast implants can make some women so sick that removal is their best hope for feeling like themselves again. Several celebrities are trying to spread this information to the general public.
ALCL and Breast Implants: 2017 Update In March 2017, FDA updated its website to officially report that breast implants could cause a type of cancer of the immune system that can be fatal. Read about the research here.
Good news for coffee drinkers: the health benefits outweigh the risks for most people Recent research suggests that coffee offers more health benefits than risks for most people. However, women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant and women over 65 should probably limit their coffee intake because for them, the risks may outweigh the benefits.
Gene Therapy May Provide Hope for Patients with Advanced Leukemia A study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine in October 2014 tested a new treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on terminally ill patients, 78% of whom survived at least 6 months.
A Special Focus on Carcinoid Tumors Although textbooks call them rare, the incidence of carcinoid tumors is on the rise. In 1973, carcinoid tumors were diagnosed in only 8.5 people per million, while in 1994 this number increased more than 4 times to 38.4 per million.
Testimony of Dr. Jennifer Yttri at FDA Advisory Committee on Tivozanib May 2013. Patients with kidney cancer have many options for drug therapy but often experience bad side effects. As the FDA considers another drug option, we don’t think the science is good enough to suggest patients will have a longer and better quality life on this new drug. Instead, we recommend waiting for more clinical data to give doctors and patients a clear idea of when tivozanib would be beneficial rather than cause more harm.
Is Newer and More Expensive Care Better? Is more medical care really better? What about all these new, expensive drugs and high-tech surgeries? Do they save lives or improve health?