Prevention and Early Diagnosis Articles
The Evidence Behind Clinical and Self-Breast Exams – We review the conflicting advice from healthcare professionals on performing self-breast exams so that you and your doctor can make the best decision for you.
US Mammogram Update Sparks Concern, Reignites Debates – Medscape, July 19, 2023: Medscape quotes experts disagreeing about what age (40? 50? to start mammograms and we point out that the science suggests different guidelines based on race and risk. Radiologists suggest Black women start at age 35, which would means $$$ for the radiologists but would do more harm than good for most women. USPSTF recommendations raise concerns about costs, accuracy, timing, and ensuring that abnormal mammograms result in biopsies to learn if treatment is needed.
NCHR Comments on USPSTF Draft Recommendation on Breast Cancer Screening – June 6, 2023: The U.S. Preventive Services Task force has changed its recommendations for mammography to start at age 40 instead of 50. However, they still recommend mammograms every 2 years instead of every year. We point out that there are racial differences in cancer risk and that mammography guidelines should reflect those racial differences. One size does not fit all.
Statement of Dr. Diana Zuckerman, President, National Center for Health Research, – May 8, 2023 Today the FDA announced that 19 women were reported in medical publications who developed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the capsule around breast implants. This is more than the 10 women that FDA reported in September. Several of the women died. It is important to know that 24 cases of SCC have … Continue reading Statement of Dr. Diana Zuckerman, President, National Center for Health Research,
Breast Implant Illness: What’s the Evidence? – Debate swirls over the risks of breast implants, and physicians and patients are justifiably confused by the conflicting information available. Despite surgeons’ claims that implants are proven safe, tens of thousands of women with breast implants have reported that they have serious symptoms that they refer to as “breast implant illness.” Many women with these symptoms report that they … Continue reading Breast Implant Illness: What’s the Evidence?
She’s the reason Arizona has a law requiring surgeons to warn patients about the dangers of breast implants – Arizona News 12 NBC: February 22, 2022. Migraines. Headaches. Insomnia. Difficulty breathing. Trouble swallowing. Robyn Towt survived three bouts with cancer. But it was breast implants that made her the sickest.
Statement on Keytruda for Early Stage Triple Negative Breast Cancer – February 9, 2021: We agree with FDA scientists that Keytruda is not proven to be effective for women with early stage triple negative breast cancer, but can cause serious health problems.
Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Therapy – Keris KrennHrubec, Meg Seymour, & Diana Zuckerman, PhD To avoid the risks of conventional hormone therapy, more and more women are seeking alternatives. But how safe are compounded bioidentical hormones? When women enter menopause, their bodies produce less estrogen and progesterone. This can cause hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and other symptoms. Hormone therapy can … Continue reading Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
FDA considers black box warning for all breast implants – WCPO Cincinnati, February 09, 2020. The FDA may finally require blackbox warnings for women considering breast implants, due to complications connected to implants after a mastectomy.
Should You Get a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) for Stage Zero Breast Cancer (DCIS)? – Are sentinel lymph node biopsies for DCIS (stage zero breast cancer) a good way to “be cautious” to prevent breast cancer in the future, or is it overtreatment?
Dr. Diana Zuckerman’s Statement on FDA’s Draft Guidance on Labeling for Breast Implants – Statement of Dr. Diana Zuckerman, President, National Center for Health Research on October 23 Regarding FDA Labeling Recommendations to Improve Patient Communication Draft Guidance We thank the FDA for proposing a black box warning and a patient Informed Consent check list that provides specific, understandable information about the risks of breast implants. The FDA’s draft … Continue reading Dr. Diana Zuckerman’s Statement on FDA’s Draft Guidance on Labeling for Breast Implants
Insurance Coverage Information for Breast Implant Removal – A step-by-step guide to try to get insurance coverage for your breast implant removal. This guide covers the necessary information to file an insurance claim for breast implant removal surgery.
NCHR Statement on FDA’s Request for Recall of Allergan Breast Implants and Expanders – Statement of Dr. Diana Zuckerman, President, National Center for Health Research on July 24 Announced Recall of Allergan Biocell Breast Implants and Expanders h Research on July 24 Announced Recall of Allergan Biocell Breast Implants and Expanders “The FDA announced today that at its request, Allergan is implementing a worldwide recall of their Biocell textured … Continue reading NCHR Statement on FDA’s Request for Recall of Allergan Breast Implants and Expanders
Breast Reconstruction Options After Mastectomy – If you are considering breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, make sure you review your options so you can decide on the best choice for you. There are many options for reconstruction including reconstruction with Autologous Tissue Transfer, also called Flap Procedures, that use your body’s own tissue to reconstruct breasts.
Patient Satisfaction After Breast Reconstruction with Implants Compared to Flap Procedures – A 2018 study by Katherine Santosa and her colleagues found that patients who undergo autologous breast reconstruction (also called “flap” procedures), are generally more satisfied in the long-term than women who choose reconstruction with breast implants.
Summary of Published Study by MD Anderson Physicians on the Increase in Rare Diseases Among Women with Breast Implants – We summarize the study conducted by MD Anderson Cancer Center regarding the incidence of rare diseases among women with breast implants.
Statement of Dr. Diana Zuckerman, President of the National Center for Health Research Regarding the New Study of 100,000 Women with Breast Implants – Dr. Diana Zuckerman, the president of NCHR, makes a statement in support of the newly released MD Anderson study that shows breast implants are linked to illness.
Radiation Therapy for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) – Radiation and hormone therapy both have benefits for most women who undergo lumpectomy, because they decrease the chances of DCIS returning after surgery.
Buy a Sleep Mask! It’s an Investment in Your Health – Research shows that sleeping in total darkness allows your body to produce as much of the hormone melatonin as possible. This is good because when your production of melatonin drops, you are at greater risk of breast and/or colorectal cancer and other health risks.
DCIS, LCIS, and other Pre-Cancers: Are Women Getting Mastectomies They Don’t Need? – Susan Dudley, PhD and Diana Zuckerman, PhD, Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund Thanks to heightened awareness of breast cancer screening, women are being diagnosed earlier than ever before. However, that has also resulted in what some experts consider an epidemic of women diagnosed with abnormal breast conditions that are not cancer or may never develop … Continue reading DCIS, LCIS, and other Pre-Cancers: Are Women Getting Mastectomies They Don’t Need?
Should I “Upgrade” to Digital or 3D? A Mammography Guide – Mammography overview: learn more about similarities and differences between traditional mammograms and the newer digital and 3D mammograms.
Heart Disease and Breast Cancer – Heart disease is a major cause of deaths in women, and remains a number one cause of death in breast cancer survivors. Women who are at a higher risk of heart disease should talk with their doctors about the risks and benefits of commonly used cancer treatments.
Alcohol and Cancer – The link between alcohol and cancer may surprise you. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) reports that drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer of the mouth and throat, vocal cords, esophagus, liver, breast, and colon. The risks are greatest in those with heavy and long-term alcohol use. Even so, moderate drinking can add up over a lifetime, which could be harmful.
Hormonal Therapy for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) – Too often, women with DCIS are encouraged to undergo radiation as well as hormonal therapy, but as you can see, the benefits of doing both are not greater than the benefits of choosing one or the other. Fortunately, almost all women with DCIS will live regardless of which of these treatments they have.
Beginner’s Guide to Developing an Exercise Routine – Exercise is one of the best ways to maximize your health. If you want to exercise but aren’t sure where to begin, we can help! If you feel like your daily life doesn’t allow you to get fit (not enough time, no money for a gym membership, etc.), we have some “work-arounds” that may help.
Preventing Breast Cancer with Hormonal Therapy – Hormonal therapy is a popular strategy among women who are afraid of breast cancer and want to reduce the chances of ever developing it. What are the risks and benefits?
Can Girls Lower Their Breast Cancer Risk by Eating Peanut Butter? – Peanut butter may help ward off abnormal breast conditions linked to cancer.
Can Aspirin Prevent Cancer? – Does daily low dose aspirin help prevent cancer? Early studies suggested “baby aspirin” could prevent cancer as well as heart disease but recent studies suggest that the cancer benefit is only for colorectal cancer, and especially for people with unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol, less exercise, and high BMI.
Hormone Therapy and Menopause – The experts at the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued a clear recommendation: post-menopausal women should NOT take hormones to prevent chronic health conditions, such as increasing bone strength to avoid fractures. The reason is that the risks of these hormones outweigh the benefits. In addition, hormone therapy for menopause increases the risk of breast cancer and the recurrence of breast cancer.
Question: My Silicone Gel Breast Implant May Be Leaking. How Do I Find out If It Is Leaking, and What Should I Do If It Is? – FAQs about keeping or restructuring your breasts after breast cancer treatment.
Question: Should I Get Silicone or Saline Implants? Is There a Price Difference? – FAQs about keeping or restructuring your breasts after breast cancer treatment.
Are Breast Implants Safe for Cancer Patients? – At the time the Institute of Medicine report was published in 1999, the major controversy about breast implants was whether it could cause connective-tissue diseases or autoimmune diseases. There were only 17 studies on the subject at the time, but the conventional wisdom was that these studies proved that breast implants are safe. However, a careful review of the results paints a different picture.
When Should Women Start Regular Mammograms? 40? 50? and How Often Is “Regular”? – In recent years, experts have disagreed about whether annual mammograms starting at age 40 may do more harm than good for many women. That is why the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, an expert group that reviews the latest research findings, used to recommend that mammography screening for most women start at age 50 rather than 40, but now they may change that recommendation. The Task Force is still saying that the frequency should be every two years (instead of annually) through the age of 74.
Ways to Help Prevent Breast Cancer – Here’s the good news about how to cut your risk of breast cancer, and reduce your risk of recurrence.
After Mastectomies, an Unexpected Blow: Numb New Breasts – Dane’e McCree decided to have her breasts removed. Her doctor assured her that surgery would spare her nipples and leave her with natural-looking breasts.
Sientra’s Silimed Brand “Gummy Bear” Silicone Gel Breast Implants Pose Safety Questions – In December 2012, the FDA approved Sientra’s “Silimed silicone gel breast implants.” These implants are also called “gummy breast implants” because they are made of a thicker gel that is said to resemble candy gummy bears. But are they safe?
Can Vitamin D Prevent Breast Cancer and Skin Cancer? – New research suggests that vitamin D may help women diagnosed with breast cancer to survive the disease.
What Women Need to Know About Inflammatory Breast Cancer – Separate facts from myths about inflammatory breast cancer.
DCIS, LCIS, Pre-Cancer and Other “Stage Zero”; Breast Conditions: What Kind of Treatment – If Any – Is Needed? – Many women are diagnosed with abnormal breast conditions that are not cancer or may never develop into invasive cancer, such as DCIS.
Summary of: Breast Implants, Self-Esteem, Quality of Life, and the Risk of Suicide – Women’s Health Issues, August, 2016. Breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgery in the United States, and many women are also encouraged to choose breast implants for reconstruction after a mastectomy. However, studies in the United States and Scandinavian countries have shown that suicide rates are higher for women with implants.
Breast implants and mammography: what we know and what we don’t know – There has been a lot of attention given to mammography screening in recent years. Some of this information has been confusing to women—at what age should I first have a mammogram, how frequently should I have repeat mammograms, and are mammograms even effective? These are questions that women both with and without breast implants have been trying to understand. The latest study from FDA scientists helps to answer these questions.
Why do mastectomy patients with breast implants commit suicide? – One study of suicide among women who got breast implants after mastectomy found that their suicide rate was 10 times higher compared to other mastectomy patients.
Can a handful of nuts a day keep cancer away? – Evidence is growing about the many ways in which eating nuts, seeds, and legumes can improve your health. These foods have been linked to healthier hearts and a lower risk of diabetes, but now studies show they may also cut your risk of getting cancer! Here’s what we know and don’t know.
DCIS: Mostly good news – More women are getting an early diagnosis of breast cancer known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Although it is good to find cancer before it becomes life-threatening, many women do not get enough information on their treatment options and end up receiving unnecessary treatment.
Prophylactic or optional mastectomies – If you are someone you know is thinking about getting a mastectomy, read this article to learn important information that should be discussed with your doctor before choosing your breast cancer treatment.
Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer – Hormone “Replacement” Therapy may help reduce the symptoms of menopause, but research has found that it increases the risk of breast cancer and other serious health problems.
Can wearing a bra cause breast cancer? – Should you believe the internet warnings that wearing a bra, or wearing an underwire bra, causes breast cancer?
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: when your genes increase your cancer risk – BRCA1 and BRCA2 are human genes that produce proteins that suppress tumors and repair damage to our DNA. If there is a mutation in one of these genes and they do not work properly, DNA damage may not be repaired. This can eventually cause cancer. If you find out that you have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, it doesn’t mean you will definitely get breast or ovarian cancer. There are a few ways you can lower your risk of breast and ovarian cancer