What Health Care Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act Means to You

What Health Care Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act Means to You

If you are thinking about enrolling for health care coverage for 2019, you have from November 1-December 15, 2018 to apply through Open Enrollment.  Here’s what you need to know about what it will pay for:

  •  Doctor’s visits—Doctor’s visits and outpatient surgery or procedures that do not take place in a hospital;
  • Trips to the emergency room—the average cost can be more than an average month’s rent;
  • Treatment in the hospital for inpatient care.  If not insured, an average three-day stay can cost $30,000;
  • Care before and after a baby is born— prenatal care, labor and delivery costs tens of thousands of dollars.  A C-section alone can cost $50,000;
  • Mental health and substance use disorder serviceswhich include treatment, counseling, and psychotherapy;
  • Your prescription drugs—almost half of all Americans took at least one prescription drug in the last 30 days;
  • Services and devices to help you recover from injury or to help with disabilities or chronic conditions. This includes physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy, and psychiatric rehabilitation;
  • Lab tests, whether complicated or simple blood tests;
  • Preventive services can include counseling, cancer screenings, and vaccines to keep you healthy; and
  • Pediatric services including dental care and vision care for children.


For more information about how to sign up for health insurance through Open Enrollment under the ACA, see our article here.